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Edull Ardo is an artist, designer, painter from Brazil with one great passion: curvy, chubby, fat, women. Several years ago he started to make his passion to a full time job. He draws fat women and has one special goal: showing the beauty of these women.
But wait a minute, fat women and Brazil? The land of Carnival, the samba dancers, bikini figures, how is the topic Plus Size dealt with there? How is the topic Plus Size portrayed in the media, are Plus Size women shown in public media? Edull kindly answered all these questions for Curvect and also told us a lot about his art and the motivation behind it.
When did you discover your love for drawing?
When I was a kid I used to call my friends to spend afternoon and night drawing our favorite heroes. It was a big pleasure for me when my traces took the form of those characters. The difference between my friends and me is that they liked to draw sometimes, and me, everyday. My mother was my fist supporter, she always said my drawings are very good (later I see it was not too good ;)..) and brought many papers and pencils.
What is aesthetic for you, what is beautiful?
Many philosopher during centuries have talked about beauty. Each one with a different vision. No one is right and no one is wrong. Because Beauty is an act of judgment, and everyone has their own way to think. I agree with Kant, when he says that beauty resides on the contemplator and not in the object contemplated. In other words: the beauty is in the eyes of the one who sees. Everything can be beautiful. That vision depends on your life style, the place you live, the people around you, your culture. So if you change something of your daily routine, you will learn something new, you will see with a new view. Everything can be learned. So you can learn how to see something beautiful. That’s what I’m trying to do. Giving the world a chance to learn about the beauty.
Which kind of materials do you use for your drawings? Do you „only“ paint people or do you also use other forms for expressing your art?
I’m a designer since 2011. And during 3 years, my line to work was to create patterns for fabrics. And for hobby, I used to draw little monsters and chubby women. I made some illustrations for children too. I like to use color pencil, watercolor, nankin and acrylic color. The use of material is always changing, I’m always testing, some day I can find a new material and use it a lot.
Is there currently (or was there) an exhibition where people can see your paintings?
I’m working with this theme (drawing / painting chubby women, annotation) for 3 years, so I’m a beginner on it. I don’t know if they don’t like my techniques or my theme. But galleries from here don’t accept me yet for making an individual exhibition. I have participated in some collective exhibitions and I figured something. My art is for people, not for artists. Now I’m planning and searching for a place that people, mainly plus size women use to go to. I do it for them.
Currently: an exhibition in Australia started last month (February) for the “Off The Wall Galery” (www.offthewallgallery.com.au), where the paintings are being projected on a public wall next to a train station in Sydney.
Can everyone be drawn by you?
Yes. I love to draw. I mostly draw plus size ladies because of my preferred theme. But I can draw everyone who wants to be drawn by me.
How and where can one buy your pictures?
On my online store (https://www.etsy.com/shop/edullstore). I’m selling my original paintings.
On your website you mention that every human being has a mission, what is your mission?
My mission is sharing love. Is to take care of others. Is to say to everyone that we are equal, we have the same essence, same necessities.
Why are you especially interested in the „Plus Size-topic“?
During all my life I had a preference for chubby women, and for a long time in my teenage it made some people looking at me as a weird guy. After some years, with more life experience, I want to say that I’m not weird for admiring chubby women, I’m normal, fat women are normal, they are women like all the other women.
As an artist I want to contribute with my society with my vision of the world. A nice way to share thoughts and ideas is by images. And images are universal languages, ther is no need for translations or explanations. So it’s time to show the beauty of these women.
My goal is to show that the chubby women can be whatever they want. The fact of being fat must not be a limitation. Each one may find itself a defect and make it a limitation. If it was not “fat”, it might be “something else”. So it’s better to accept as it is than trying to change yourself.
Brazil is known for its „body cult“- how is the issue of Plus Size dealt with in public?
What Brazil shows to world is a fantasy. A fantasy that Brazilian women have perfect and curvy bodies. It’s not totally a lie, but is not really true. We have one of the most diversity of the world. It’s not too simple making a pattern of bodies. So, unfortunately we have this social sickness so strong, the prejudice. All time media is telling your body needs to be like they show on TV, but in the summer it gets the worst. All type of media and gyms, make publicity in order to make you change your body and to show it on the beaches and in the Carnival.
Plus size size ladies are not too afraid of it anymore. They are getting even more confident. Internet is a great tool to make it work. They can share their issues and encourage the others. It’s far from the ideal, but it’s growing.
How are Plus Size people represented in Brazilian media? Is Plus Size an important issue?
During the last 5 years, it changed significantly. Today we have influent bloggers, celebrities from TV and movies, many fashion events. One of them is the Fashion Weekend Plus Size, realized 2 times a year. Little by little the Plus Size theme is taking space on media and even more sharing information and elevating the self-confidence of many brazilian women.
What are your future plans?
I want to make some stores in my city and some other places in Brazil. And travel the world showing my art. It’s a big dream. But I’m working for that.
Anything else, you want to let us know?
Every society naturally has a structure, a pattern. Not everyone will be able to fit into this pattern. Be out of this pattern makes us different and gives us a prominence. But is this good or bad? You can choose. The same way that is natural a formation of standards, is natural to every human being wanting to be noticed, remarkable in front of a society. So if you are „different“, do not try to change society or yourself. Use this to your advantage. Be great.
Dear Edull, thank you very much for your time. We wish you all the best for your art and your future plans and we will of course follow all of your projects with interest.
Pictures (c) Edull